Friday 25 May 2018

Eris: A Fellow Warrior

This post is by a wonderfully inspiring lady named Eris, her words resonated with many of us and I just want to say thank you to her for speaking so openly, I don't know her very well but I am very proud to know her at all!!

Hidradenitis Suppurativa also known as HS, I have learned so much about you and living with you for most of my life. There is no way to get rid of you, there will be no day in which my body is free of you and your raging effects upon me. You make me sick, literally. My body is riddled with scars, my immune system is killing me, you drive my blood pressure up, and if that isn't enough you leave painful reminders across my body that we are connected. My body isn't enough for you. You lap at the corners of my soul like a horse getting refreshing water at a cool stream. Because of you, I have missed time with my family, time I can not get back. I have slowly pushed away from my friends because I can not keep commitments. Thank you for that by the way. I used to be so dependable, and now, I can plan nothing as you are always there. I am becoming a hermit. You keep me scared, when are you coming again, how bad will your visit be this time, what reminders will you leave me. My privacy is gone. I am the most private person in the world but there are times I have to speak your name, be poked and prodded like a lab rat by medical staff and lovers alike. But that is not enough, you have to be greedy, have to treat more people like this, and each one you do it differently, so that there is no peace. I have tried to get rid of you. God, how I've tried. I have had surgeries to the point my scar tissue does not allow me to sit very long, as well as limiting my mobility even once you have moved on to other areas. I have tried antibiotics, more than 50 people should ever take in their lifetime, creams and ointments, you name it, because of you, I bought it. Chemo, yup, been there, done that, stronger antibiotics, sign me up. Injection pens, all aboard. Bathing with bleach, showering 3 to 4 times a day, every diet under the sun and from here to the moon. I have tried and tried and still you haunt me. You think it's funny to tear down my self confidence, and gloat when my self worth and pride are bruised. I know one day, someone will find a way to eradicate you, and no one will know what it is like to live in your shadow. One day your name will be erased from the history books. Until that day, FU HS

If you too feel inspired by Eris then please click here to visit her FB page.
(i did receive permission from the person in question to post their work and contact details here before hand)

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